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CRCA's Contractor Membership Information

CRCA's Contractor Membership: CRCA Contractor Members are insured roofing contractors and licensed by the State of Illinois.

Regular Voting Members are Contractor Firms. CRCA’s Regular Member Firm Requirements:

  • Any individual proprietor, partnership, or corporation engaged in roofing, slate tile, or composition roofing, and waterproofing and Dampproofing or shingling. These firms or branches being located in Chicago, Illinois or vicinity shall be eligible for regular membership.

  • Any applicant applying for membership as a regular member in this corporation shall submit evidence that they are primarily engaged in the roofing, slate tile or composition roofing, waterproofing and dampproofing or shingling business and they maintain the high quality of business operations of the associations’ regular members and have not engaged in business operations or practices which do not meet acceptable industry standards as determined by the Board of Directors.

  • Those that are presently regular members or employed in a management, official or sales capacity by a regular member whether it is a partnership or corporation and the company dissolves, partnership changes, buy-out, start up of business, etc.; will be eligible to make immediate application to become members in CRCA without having to wait the two year provision.

CRCA's Board of Directors Approves Membership Applications at each Board Meeting.  Applications must be received by the CRCA office no later than the First Friday of each month.

NEW and EXISTING CRCA Members, don't forget to keep your CRCA Member Listing up-to-date. Log in to the Member Portal and update your company and linked profile information.

Need more information? Contact the CRCA office at 708-449-3340 or email us.