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CRCA Associate Membership

CRCA's Associate Membership consist of the many distributors, manufacturers, manufacturers representatives and consultants who participate in the roofing, waterproofing and dampproofing industry. CRCA Associate Members are individuals, partnerships, or corporations that furnish materials, supplies, services or other allied products to the roofing industry. Roofing contractors cannot be Associate Members.

The Associate Members are voting members of CRCA and fully participate in CRCA Events throughout the year. CRCA is one of the few Contractor Trade Associations who has an Associate Member as part of the CRCA Board of Directors, elected solely by the Associate Membership. Three Associate Directors serve on CRCA's Board and are eligible to vote on all board decisions.

There are tons of benefits to becoming a CRCA Member. Don't miss out. Apply today.

Associate Branch Locations: Please contact CRCA for special branch rates!

CRCA's Board of Directors approves membership applications at each board meeting.  Applications must be received by the CRCA office no later than the first friday of each month.

NEW and EXISTING CRCA Members, don't forget to keep your CRCA Member Listing up-to-date. Email us with the update and we'll add to the website ASAP.

Need more information? Contact the CRCA office at 708-449-3340 or email