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Chicagoland Women in Roofing Committee (CWIR)

CWIR at the 2024 Feed My Starving Children event.

Who CWIR Is:

The Chicagoland Women in Roofing is a committee of Chicago Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA).


CRCA Chicagoland Women in Roofing (CRCA CWIR) is focused on inspiring women to get involved and contribute their knowledge and experience. CRCA's CWIR strives to maintain a high standard of professionalism while encouraging the advancement of goals and interests for the success of women and the betterment of the Chicagoland roofing industry.


CRCA Chicagoland Women in Roofing (CRCA CWIR) seeks to foster women’s involvement in the roofing industry by:

  • Creating an environment where input from women is valued and encouraged
  • Providing educational opportunities for professional development
  • Encourage positive professional interactions throughout the industry

CRCA Membership is required to participate in most CWIR events.  Not a CRCA Member? Join CRCA Today.

Committee Members

Jennifer Grove

Monica Perez

Marly Almendarez

Kim Good

Sarah Sutton-Shouse

Jennifer Trapane

Beth Winkler

Jessica Roque
Staff Liaison