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Building Envelope Committee

Who We Are

The Building Envelope Committee was created in 2019 with the intent to dig deeply into moisture and air management to determine how and why it effects our structures. The goal is really to understand what all encompasses the building envelope standards and help educate CRCA members on these new standards moving forward in our industry.

Why is building envelope important?

Moisture and Air Management. A building's envelope is also important in creating proper insulation for the interior of the building. Additionally, good building envelopes which prevent drafts and other air leaks allow for tighter control of the air pressure inside as well as the temperature.

What is the envelope of a building?

Building envelope. A building envelope is the physical separator between the conditioned and unconditioned environment of a building including the resistance to air, water, heat, light, and noise transfer.
Consisting of the building's roof, floor slabs, walls, windows, and doors, the fabric controls the flow of energy between the interior and exterior of the building. For a new project, opportunities relating to the building fabric begin during the predesign phase of the building.

Committee Members

George Patterson

Matt Dupuis

Marley Almendarez

Frank Arevalo

Andy Barriento

Matt Durett

Andrew Fisher

Jeremy Grimes

Dan Henshaw

Dave Hinners

Larry Marshall III

Nick Palmer

Pavel Pecinka

Monica Perez

Brad Rabin

Jennifer Trapane

Eric Ziemba

Greg Zuleger

Jessica Roque
Staff Liaison